How do I request Funds from a Contact?

Requesting USDC from your Senit contacts is a simple and quick process that can be done in just a few easy steps. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of requesting funds from your Senit contacts. Before requesting funds from anyone, you need to make sure they have a Senit account. Contacts imported into your  Address Book that have an account with Senit will have the Senit icon next to their name


The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Go to the “Transfer” Menu

To request USDC from a contact, click on the Transfer icon located at the top right of your wallet’s homepage, and this will launch the Transfer menu.

Step 2: Select “Request”

After accessing the Transfer menu, click on Request to initiate the transaction.

Step 3: Enter Amount and Choose Contact

In the Request page, enter the amount you wish to request, click Continue, and choose from the list of existing Senit contacts from whom you want to request funds. Instead of using the person’s contact, you can also request funds from them using their Senit handle or registered name.

Step 4: Review Transaction Details

After selecting the contact, review the request transaction details. Here, you have the option to change the default currency from USDC to another currency as defined in your currency manager, hide your identity, and add a note.

Step 5: Confirm Transaction with PIN

Once you have reviewed the transaction details, click on Continue to proceed with the request. You will be prompted to enter your PIN to confirm the transaction.


Requesting USDC from your Senit contacts is a simple and secure process that can be done in just a few steps. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily request funds from anyone on your Senit contacts list. So, go ahead and use Senit to request funds from your contacts with ease!

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